Top 5 Strategies To Improve Your Email Marketing Performance

Saba Nadeem
3 min readJul 12, 2021


Email marketing is an indispensable constituent of online marketing despite the advancement in communication methods. According to a 20117–2025 survey in the U.S, there are over 4 billion email users worldwide.

As it’s the most effective way of converting recipients into customers, Still, many businesses find it an overwhelming task.

If you’re one of them, don’t fret anymore. Here are the five best strategies to boost your email marketing performance. Let’s spill the beans without wasting a minute.

1. Creating mobile-friendly emails

In 2020, there was only a 30.69% open rate in e-commerce email marketing worldwide. Thus, it’s necessary to use responsive design layouts that work well for mobile and other devices and browsers. This way, it can help you get recipients’ attention.

Adding big images, enough white space, bold headings, and easy-to-access CTA buttons is a good way of enhancing email marketing.

2. Compelling subject line

The Subject line (the first thing users interact with) is key, which decides whether to read more or not. Try to make it short and compelling rather than to the point. Apply such techniques which promptly trigger curiosity among readers.

For example, adding emojis or generating urgency (irresistible for recipients like 50 % off till Sunday) in the subject line will definitely work in standing out.

3. Use Personalization

In business and marketing, customer retention and nurturing are vital elements. And it becomes possible by hooking them up through personalization and segmentation. When you write mail, start with a warm welcome by using Hi (recipient name).

This will eventually push the reader to read further and make sales for you. By knowing customers’ interests, behavior, buying history, and dynamic content (changes regarding user behavior ), you can boost revenue up to 75%.

4.A/B testing

Are you confused about applying the finest idea for great sales? Well, here’s the best email marketing tip for that. Marketing is all about testing, testing, and testing. Testing in email marketing includes email designs, headlines, customized CTA buttons, etc.

However, A/B testing helps you in selecting a suitable scheme for implementation. And It is accomplished by comparing and running two plans on the spot to observe which works best.

5. Offer clear CTA

The idea behind marketing is to provide ease to customers. In marketing, a clear call-to-action is essential for the recipients without confusing them with unnecessary details.

Make sure in the first five seconds of reading that your recipients know what to do next. Your purpose behind the mail should be clear and easy to approach so that the recipient would not delete the email by considering it useless.

Final verdict

The tactics mentioned above can support you in building your brand, creating engaging emails, and getting loyal customers along with handsome revenue. Go ahead and try these strategies to get incredible outcomes.

