The Forbidden Tree

Saba Nadeem
2 min readJan 24, 2024


Fabrice Villard (Unsplash)

The story of forbidden tree or forbidden fruit, the reason Adam and Eve were exiled from heaven, is not as it has been told to us. I contemplated this tale for a very long time because somewhere in my heart, I was not ready to accept the way our forefathers described it. After extensive research on this topic, I finally came to an amazing realization and I found the answers to all of my questions.

To join me in this story, you need to know a few things beforehand.

We humans are not what we think we are. We are more than that. While we believe we are confined to our limited physical bodies, in reality, our physical bodies are just dresses worn by our true selves. The biggest secret of being a human lies in possessing a mind. Yes, your mind is your prison. Your mind is your biggest enemy. Sounds harsh? But reality always hits hard, doesn’t it?

The only thing that limits you from seeing your reality is your mind. Ironically, it was the same mind that became the cause of our exile from heaven. Many of us think of the forbidden tree as the material world tree, but who wants to deal with nuances?

Adam and Eve were living happily in heaven. But what urged them to disobey God? You might say Devil Iblees, but no. It was… ‘EGO’, ‘I’ , ‘My’ , ‘Mine’.

The moment their ‘EGO’ or ‘I’ awoke, they plunged into sin and disobedience.

Why? Because your ‘I’ is the root of all of your sufferings. ‘I’ want money, fame, love, authority — everything. ‘I’ cultivate the desires, feed them, and imprison you in sins.

The tree was used as a metaphor to help humanity understand the cause of their suffering. The forbidden fruit is your ‘I.’ God is clearly saying, ‘Don’t let your EGO or ‘I’ define your deeds. Let go of your ‘I’ and allow yourself to see the world beyond the curtains of your mind.

Releasing ‘I’ liberates you from all kinds of suffering and leads to eternal happiness. But it takes practice to understand and control your mind to let go of ‘I’.”



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