Insomnia: 3 Proven Tactics to Help You Fall Asleep Naturally

Saba Nadeem
3 min readFeb 22, 2024


Photo from iStock

Grappling with consistent bouts of insomnia is no fun at all, especially when it starts undermining your routine activities. Stress, anxiety, poor eating and sleeping habits, or any other health issues are the leading contributors to sleepless nights and drowsy mornings.

Taking pills, melatonin, or any other prescription is common among insomniac people. The downside is that prolonged use of medications can really mess up your body’s natural system. That’s why these three proven tactics in naturopathy can help you get off the hook. So stick around!

1. Practice Mindfulness

No matter what things you’ve been going through lately, mindfulness practices can prove to be effective in smoothing it all out. Meditation, gratitude regime, deep breathing, and even journaling are some ways to calm your restless thoughts and help rediscover restful sleep, which might have forgotten its way to you for ages.

  1. Firstly, sit in a relaxed position, either on a yoga mat or chair, with your shoulders and back straight and nice.
  2. Bring your focus to your breath and inhale slowly, hold your breath for a few seconds, and then gently release it through your mouth.
  3. Repeat it for seven to ten times. Meanwhile, if any thought crosses your mind, let it pass and just be present in the moment.

It could be overwhelming at the start because your mind is not used to it, but staying disciplined is the key here. You just need to spare five minutes daily early in the morning and before heading to bed to yield the desired outcome.

Photo by Benjamin Child _ Unsplash

2. Stick to a Bedtime Ritual

These days our smartphones have taken all of our attention. We wake up with faces glued to our screens and stay like that until bedtime. This much exposure to blue light is enough to put you in sleep deprivation. However, setting a bedtime ritual and sticking to it is your call here.

Put away your electronic gadgets an hour before wrapping your day up. Swap out with reading a book, talking to your loved ones, or trying any of the above-mentioned practices. Or you can pair it up with something naturally pleasant like “aromatherapy.”

3. Try Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy, or the use of essential oils for a good night’s sleep, has been admired for centuries. Research says aromatherapy stimulates certain parts of your brain, which further leads to the release of certain chemicals in the body essential to make you fall and stay asleep.

Gently apply your favorite Lavender, Jasmine, Valerian, or Roman Chamomile on your temples, neck, behind the ears, or even wrists, and let the world of your sweet dreams fall over.

Wrapping Up

Insomnia is really not a disease; it’s merely a symptom which is curable, and nothing to worry about. You just need to replace the poor lifestyle choices with some positive ones. And if you could only adhere to these three proven ways, you will eventually see a noticeable difference in your sleep cycle.

P.S. Feel free to share your experience in the comments! Good Luck!

